Need a break from the ordinary? Melon Seeds is your answer for active and intellectual FUN!
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Terms And Conditions

PLEASE READ the following carefully before signing this waiver of liability

On behalf of the children and adults in my care participating in activities involving games rented from Melon Seeds LLC, I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of this waiver as identified below.

  • There are risks, both known and unknown, using any recreational game or amusement device, including but not limited to physical injury, emotional injury, distress, paralysis, and even death. The risk of serious injury, although minimal, does exist, as it does in all play and amusement activities.
  • I take responsibility to make sure the game and all the pieces are set up and used correctly.

  • I and the children and the adults in my care who will participate in any activities involving these games are physically, mentally and emotionally fit to participate in such activities.
  •  Should any children be dropped off in my care for the use of these games, I will inform them of the rules of participation and will trust their judgement or the judgement of my representative for their safe participation. I understand Melon Seeds staff does not provide a sitting service and is not responsible for their safe participation.
  •  I, on behalf of myself, my children, my family members, children in my care, my heirs, and my guests, knowingly and freely assume all risks of injury and agree to hold harmless MelonSeeds LLC, its owners, managers, agents and employees with respect to any claims, demands, causes or rights of action even if arising from the actions, acts of omission of negligence of said entities or individuals.

I have read this release and waiver of liability agreement, fully understand its terms and fully understand that I have given up substantial rights for myself and those for whom I have assumed responsibility. By my signature and acknowledgement of this form, I freely and voluntarily agree to these terms.