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At Melon Seeds, we love STEM! We like to think of it as this process: Strategy, Trial, Error & Mastery 🙂 

It’s how we learn, how we design.

So what can YOU do with our sets to create a fun STEM challenge session?

On this page, we will showcase one game set monthly with a list of challenges you can use or modify to fit the interests of your group.

STEM CHALLENGES: Spinner Tables – Art & Circular Motion

1) Can you and a friend trace the same pattern as the table spins?

2) Draw a closed shape other than a circle while the paper is spinning.

3) Can you make the following: a line, a triangle, a square? What strategies can you use to take on this challenge?

4) Make an equation to fit the length of distance covered in one revolution as a function of distance from the center magnet.

5) Compare the movement of water, oil, sand, marbles, etc. in the spinner as it moves at various speeds.

6) How fast can you spin a drop of water before it slides on your paper? Does it matter where on the paper your drop is?

7) Can you create lift in a paper construction on a string taped to the edge of your spinner?


You face two paths and must take one: one leads to prosperity and one leads to destruction. Standing before the paths are identical twins, one of which always tells a lie & the other always tells the truth. You do not know where each path leads, and you do not know which twin is which.

You are allowed to ask only one question. What question do you ask to help you know what path to choose?


We would like to know.

Did these challenges work for you?

Email, call, or tag us on Instagram.

Some of us have big ideas, but not enough pieces to make it all happen.
Some of us are brilliant but shouldn’t be sitting at a computer all day.
Some of us would rather be Mathletes than Athletes.
Most of us learn best by doing, without restrictions or templates.